منتدي سطيف و العالم الأجمل و الأحلي و الأكمل
مرحبا زائرنا الكريم في منتديات الوفاق

مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 829894
ادارة المنتدي مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 103798

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدي سطيف و العالم الأجمل و الأحلي و الأكمل
مرحبا زائرنا الكريم في منتديات الوفاق

مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
سنتشرف بتسجيلك
شكرا مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 829894
ادارة المنتدي مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي 103798
منتدي سطيف و العالم الأجمل و الأحلي و الأكمل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي

اذهب الى الأسفل

اعلان مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي

مُساهمة من طرف نرمان الخميس فبراير 10, 2011 9:12 pm

** بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم**
نبدا على بركة الله


Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Test (n:1)

Thurs, October 25th, 2007
In England, people eat a big breakfast; they have meat and eggs, or fish, or fried bacon, and bread and butter with jam or marmalade.
They drink tea or coffee with milk.
People work from eight or nine till one. They do not go home for lunch.
They lunch in a restaurant or tea-shop, or at the office.
Many people live out of town in the suburbs. When they come home, they have dinner, which is often a cold meal.
On Sunday, they usually eat roast beef with boiled vegetables.
Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the biggest meal in England? *....................................
2-What time do the English people start work? *............................
3- Do they have lunch at home? * ...........................................
4- Where do they usually have dinner? * ...................................
5- Give a title to the text. * ...............................................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (2pts)
a little ‡.......... without ‡........... go ‡.......... never ‡.............
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(1pt)
They E..................... Which E .....................
B- Complete with tag questions: (4pts)
1- The English people have a big breakfast, .......... ......... ?
2- They don’t have lunch at home, ...... ......... ?
3- Give me some water, ...... ........ ?
4- You liked the food, ........ ........ ?
C- Cross the letter you don’t pronounce (Silent letters)(2pts)
knife – lamb – dinner – bread – often - half
Part Two: Write a paragraph about Algerian meals. (6 pts)
In Algeria, .................................................. .................................................. ........................................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................



Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Test (n:2)

November 22nd, 2007
Nowadays scientists can make copies of plants, animals, and even human beings. We call this “cloning”. There is nothing new about cloning at all. Ancient Greeks cloned plants over 4000 years ago and the first cloned frog appeared in 1968. Twenty-nine years later, in 1997, Dr. Ian Wilmut and other follow researchers from Edinburgh University, Scotland, managed to clone an adult sheep from a single cell to produce a lamb (Dolly) with the same genes as its mother. Some people are worried because scientists started to think about cloning human beings.
Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the text about? *................................................. ..
2- Can scientists clone plants and animals? *..................................
3- Who, do you think, could clone plants first? * ............................
4- When did the first cloned animal appear? * ...............................
5- Where was “Dolly” cloned? * ..............................................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1,5pts)
began= ................anxious= ................make copies= ..................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1,5pts)
in the past‡.................modern‡...............the last ‡.................
Section Two:A-What does the underlined word in the text refer to?(1pt)
its E.....................
B- Turn these sentences into the passive form: (3pts)
1- Scientists can make copies of plants.
E.................................................. .......................
2- Ancient Greeks cloned plants.
E.................................................. ........................ C- How many syllables do these words consist of:(Write 1-2-3):(2pts)
copies – plants – animals – cloning – adult – people - scientists
.... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Part Two: Find the questions:(6pts)
A: .........scientists............copies of animals?
B: Yes, they can.
A: ........................................?
B: We call this :Cloning”.
A:.................................................. .?
B: No, they haven’t cloned a human being, yet?


Name : ................................ Class: .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Test (n:1)

You like Algerian food, don’t you?
Bourek is a famous Algerian dish, isn’t it?
A big competition for delicious Bourek will take place at El Hana Restaurant next week. You want to participate? Think of your special recipe using our ingredients:
-Pancakes – tomatoes – onions – potatoes- olives – minced meat – cheese – tuna – egg – salt and pepper.
Winners will get a free weekend for two at El Aurassi Hotel in Algiers.
Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A-Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.(3pts)
1- Bourek is an Algerian dish. ......... .................................................. ...............................
2- The competition will take place at school. .......... .................................................. ...
3- Candidates will use their own ingredients. ........... .................................................. .
B- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(2pts)
1- When will the competition take place? *....................................
2- What will the prize be? *............................
C- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1pt)
tasty = ................................ well known = .................................
C- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1pt)
last ‡................................ losers ‡...........................
Section Two:A- Complete with tag questions: (2pts)
1-Let’s make Bourek, ........ ....... ?
2- The prize is not bad, ...... ..... ?
-B- Put the correct form of the verb: (3pts)
every Ramadan, we (to make)................. Bourek. My brother (to like) ................. preparing it for us. Lat time, he (to be) .................. absent, but when I (to try)
................................. to make it, he (to knock) ........................ at the door.
-C- Write /i/or /i:/ under the underline letters (2pts)
week – minced – meat – competition.
... ... ... ...
Part Two: (Situation of Integration) (6 pts)
You are one of the candidates in the competition. Using the ingredients of the advert, make your own recipe for Bourek. Use time sequencers: (first- then-next ...) and the imperative with verbs like: Put-take –add- sprinkle . . .
(Turn the page and write your paragraph)



Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Exam (4AM)

People eat different foods in different places. Let’s take the example of Nepal.
Nepal has no sea. Most people in Nepal are farmers. Theygrow grains, fruit, and other crops in the lowlands. The temperatures are very warm there. Rice and corn grow in terraced fields in the cooler hill regions. Potatoes and barley are the staple or chief crops at higher elevations. Temperatures are the cooler there.
The Nepalese raise goats, cattle and yaks for dairy produce. They eat meat only on special occasions. Religious rules affect which meats people in Nepal eat: Hindus, who make up almost 90 percent of the population, do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.
Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A-Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.(3pts)
1- There are not many farmers in Nepal. *...................................
2- Most of the Nepalese do not eat beef.* ..................................
3- They eat meat everyday * ........................................
B- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(2pts)
1- Why do the Nepalese raise animals? *....................................
2-What is the main product in Nepal? *............................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2pts)
People from Nepal=..................... The majority=......................
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(2pt)
They E............................ there E .........................
B- Complete with tag questions: (3pts)
1- People do not eat the same foods, ...... ........ ?
2- Nepal has no sea, ....... ... ?
C- Write: /s/, /z/ or / iz/ under each of the following words:(2pts)
foods – places – fruits – crops – meats – regions
/.../ /.../ /.../ /.../ /...//.../
Part Two (Situation of integration) (6pts)Complete this dialogue:
A: .....................................?
B: they eat bread, potatoes, other vegetables, fruit and . . .
A: ....................................?
B: No, they don’t. They eat meat every week.
A: ....................................?
B: They eat chicken, beef, lamb...
A: ..................................?
B: No, they don’t, because they are Muslims.
عضو متألق
عضو متألق

عدد المساهمات : 277
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/12/2009
العمر : 33

أهم مواضيعي
أهم المواضيع أهم المواضيع: شريط وثائقي: البحث في القرآن الكريم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

اعلان رد: مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي

مُساهمة من طرف نرمان الخميس فبراير 10, 2011 9:19 pm

Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Exam (4AM)

People eat different foods in different places. Let’s take the example of Nepal.
Nepal has no sea. Most people in Nepal are farmers. Theygrow grains, fruit, and other crops in the lowlands. The temperatures are very warm there. Rice and corn grow in terraced fields in the cooler hill regions. Potatoes and barley are the staple or chief crops at higher elevations. Temperatures are the cooler there.
The Nepalese raise goats, cattle and yaks for dairy produce. They eat meat only on special occasions. Religious rules affect which meats people in Nepal eat: Hindus, who make up almost 90 percent of the population, do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork.
Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A-Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.(3pts)
1- There are not many farmers in Nepal. *...................................
2- Most of the Nepalese do not eat beef.* ..................................
3- They eat meat everyday * ........................................
B- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(2pts)
1- Why do the Nepalese raise animals? *....................................
2-What is the main product in Nepal? *............................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2pts)
People from Nepal=..................... The majority=......................
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(2pt)
They E............................ there E .........................
B- Complete with tag questions: (3pts)
1- People do not eat the same foods, ...... ........ ?
2- Nepal has no sea, ....... ... ?
C- Write: /s/, /z/ or / iz/ under each of the following words:(2pts)
foods – places – fruits – crops – meats – regions
/.../ /.../ /.../ /.../ /...//.../
Part Two (Situation of integration) (6pts)Complete this dialogue:
A: .....................................?
B: they eat bread, potatoes, other vegetables, fruit and . . .
A: ....................................?
B: No, they don’t. They eat meat every week.
A: ....................................?
B: They eat chicken, beef, lamb...
A: ..................................?
B: No, they don’t, because they are Muslims.


Second Term Exam

Preparation for the test is very important and starts at home. Preparation is the work that pupils do before the test. But just how you go about it? The majority of the pupils revise for exams alone. This method may possibly be suitable for some children, but on the other hand it may well be the cause of the failure of many others.
Children who revise in groups may have better chances of success than those who revise alone. When they work in groups, they help one an other by asking and answering questions that they might have in exams. Group preparation may also reduce stress if the children practise under test conditions.
Prof Malcolm Kane-University of Texas

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What is the text about?
2- How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3- How does the Prof define the word “preparation”? (What is preparation?)
4- How do most of the pupils revise for exams?
5- What is better according to the Prof, to revise in groups or alone?
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
interesting= .................begins= ................can be= ..................
B- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (1.5pts)
after‡..................worse‡...................failure ‡....................
Section Two:A-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(1 pt)
B- Complete with: can – can’t- may – might – could – will be able to(3pts)
The sky is cloudy now. It ....(1).... rain.
When I was young, I .....(2)...... run very fast.
There are no clouds in the sky, but it.....(3).... rain. The weather is very cold.
This bag is very heavy. I ....(4)...... lift it.
Parrots .....(5)...... speak.
If I take some English lessons, I ........(6)......... speak it fluently.
C-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters: test – mean – may –really – better –they –stress – very – explain (2 pts)


Part Two:(6pts)
Your little brother/sister has asked you to give him a piece of advice about exam preparation. Write a short paragraph telling him/her how to prepare for tests and exams. (Use modals like: You should / you must / You ought to / You can /You may / You might . . .



Name : ................................ Class: .......... N: .... Mark:
Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

First Term Exam

Film of the day

Are you fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Do you like adventures and action?
Are you fond of special effects?
So: Don’t miss: The Terminator. It’s for
you and it’s on MBC Action at 20:00.

Part One: (14Pt)
Section One: A- Read the text, then answer the following questions:(5pts)
1- What’s the title of the film? *....................................
2- What time is the film on? *........................................
3- Is it at 8 am or 8 pm? * ...........................................
4- On which channel is the film? * ...................................
5- What kind of film is it? * ...............................................
B- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2pts)
keen on =.................... love = .................
Section Two:A-What does the underlined word in the text refer to?(1pt)
it E .....................
B- Give the right form of the verbs in brackets: (4pts)
<H2 style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt"> Karim (like) ....................... watching TV a lot. He (be) .................. crazy about thrillers. Yesterday, he (watch) ........................ a very nice film, “The Ring” , It (be) .................... on Channel 2 at 21:00. </H2> C- Classify the following words: (2pts)
watches – films - effects – misses – actions – likes



Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
First Term Exam (2Am)

Wed, Nov 28th, 2007
Baya Mehieddine was an artist. She was born in 1931 in
Bordj-El Kifan. She lived with her grandparents because her
father and mother died when she was five .
Baya started painting at an early age. She exhibited her
first paintings in Paris in 1947 . She died on Nov 11th, 1998 .
Part One: (14Pt)
SECTION ONE : a- Write "True" or "False" ---- (3 pts )
1)- Baya was a writer . * .........
2)- She died seven years ago * ........
3)- She was born in Algeria . * ........
b- Answer the following questions----( 4pts )
1) – Where was Baya born ? * She …………………………
2) – Was she a painter ? * …………………………….
3) – When did she die ? * …………………………
4) – Why did she live with her grandparents?
*Because ………………............................................ ..
c - Find n the text the opposites of : (1pts)
* was born ‡ ............... * The last ‡ The ..............
SECTION TWO : a -Give the right form of th verbs in brackets.(4pts)
*Mohamed Dib (be) ........a great writer. He (write).......... many books.
*Charles Dickens (be born)............. in 1812. He(live)......... in London.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”: (2pts)

-lived – visited – helped –
-died – started – practised

Part Two: (6pts)
Find the questions:
A: ........ ...... ......... .......... ? B: Jim Walker.
A: ...... ...... ....... ........? B: I’m American.
A: ....... ......... . ....................? B: I’m a computer programmer.
A:........ ........ .................?
B: Yes, I am married and I have two children.


Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
The United States has 50 states. The most famous state is that of California. Its area is 411,100 sq km. Its capital is Sacramento. It is situated in the West, bordering the state of Oregon to the north, those of Nevada and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently its governor.

California is the most populous state in the USA with a population of about 32 million inhabitants. Its important cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San José, Fresno and Santa Barbara.

California has important features. Yosemite Falls is the highest waterfall in North America. It has the tallest type of tree in the world, the sequoia. These features have made California famous, but it is best known for its cinema city Hollywood, with universal studios, Sunset Strip and Beverly Hills.
READING COMPREHENSION: a- Answer the following questions----( 4pts )
1) – Where is California situated? * ……...............……………………
2) – What is the country that border California? * …………………………….
3) – Give two of its important cities? * .................. * ................
b - Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (3pts)
well known = ............... interesting= .................located =............
MASTERY OF LANGUAGE: a -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.(4pts)
John and Bob ( already to go) ......................... to many places in the world. Last year, they (be) .......... in the USA. They (spend) ................. a week in California. They (to see) ............... many beautiful places there. They (to have) ................ a very nice time.
Next year, John and Bob (to go) ................. to New York. If they (to go)
................. there, they (to see) .................. The Statue of Liberty.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. (3pts)
most - state – south – about – type – made – known

Your pen friend wanted to know about one of the Algerian cities. Send him a letter informing him/her about one of the Algerian cities.
(Algiers , Constantine or Setif, . . . ) ( Use the text as a model).

The desert used to be a green land. Itused to have big lakes and rivers whichcontained a lot of fish.
Life used to be dangerous in the Sahara. You know, tigers, bears and lions, which lived near the caves, used to attack cave people. Today all you can see are these beautiful camels, which have carried you here from the hotel. Life was even more dangerous for children. The children whoused to stay close to the open fire often got burnt. The children who often fetched water to drink fell into the deep lakes and died...
READING COMPREHENSION: a- Answer the following questions----( 3pts )
1) –What did the desert use to be like? * ……...............……………………
2) –Were there any wild animal there? * …………………………….
3) –Did they use to attack people? * ................
b - Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pt)
many = ............... looked for= ................. near =............
- Find n the text word that are closest in meaning to : (1.5pt)
safe ‡ ............... far from ‡................. survived ‡............
c- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1 pts)
whichE.................... whoE .....................

MASTERY OF LANGUAGE: a -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets.(2pts)
John and Bob ( already to go) ......................... to many places in the world. Last year, they (be) .......... in the Algerian Sahara. They (spend) ................. a week in Tamenrasset. They (to see) ............... many beautiful places there.
Next year, John and Bob (to go) ................. to Ain Salah. It (be) ........
the centre of the Sahara. If they (to go) ....................... there, they (to see) ................................ ski on the sand and ride camels.
b- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the underlined letters.(1.5pt)

green – south – stay – about – know – deep – cave - hotel

c- Complete the table. (1.5pt)
the ..............
the heaviest

c- Complete the table. (2pt)
The infinitive
Simple Past
Past Participle
to buy
to learn
to speak


One of your pen friends wanted to know about the Algerian Sahara as he/she intends to visit it one day.

* Send him/her a letter informing him/her, in a few lines about the Algerian Sahara as it is now.

عضو متألق
عضو متألق

عدد المساهمات : 277
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/12/2009
العمر : 33

أهم مواضيعي
أهم المواضيع أهم المواضيع: شريط وثائقي: البحث في القرآن الكريم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

اعلان رد: مجموعة ضخمة من الدروس و الامتحانات و التمارين للمقبلين على شهادة التعليم الاساسي

مُساهمة من طرف نرمان الخميس فبراير 10, 2011 9:25 pm


Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
Exam (4Am)

The pre-university educational system in Algeria consists of three important stages. First, pupils go to primary/elementary school at six. They study therefor five years. At the age of eleven, they take a final primary school exam. If they succeed, they will move to middle school. The middle school goes for 4 years, from MS1 to MS4. Students take the Brevet exam at the end of MS4. If theymanage to get a pass, they will go to the lycée. There are many streams in thelycée. Students can choose at the end of the second year in the lycée the stream whichthey like best if they meet the required standards. Studies in the lycée run for three years. In the third year, they take the Baccalaureate exam. The baccalaureate is a diploma whichallows its holders to register at university
Part One: (14Pt)
Reading Comprehension: 1-Answer the following questions----( 5pts )
1) – How long does an Algerian pupil study before he goes to university?
* .................................................. ....... .
2) – How old is a pupil at 1MS (Middle School)? * …………………………….
3) – What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
*There E ..........................*They E ................ *Which E ..................
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following: (2 pts)
*fail ‡ ........................ *last ‡ ..............
1) – Complete this table with words from the text. (3 pts)
a verb in the future simple
a verb in the present Simple
a pronoun
a sequencer
a number

2) -Give the right form of the verbs in brackets. (2 pts)
*If I (go) ............ to the Lycée, I (opt) .................... for the
science stream.
*I (not go) ...................... to the Lycée, before I (pass) .............. my Brevet exam.
3)- Write the number of the stressed syllable: ( 1- 2 or 3). (2 pts)
education – consist – stages – eleven – final – allows
... ... ... ... ... ...
Part Two:(Situation of integration) (6pts)
You are a student at 4Ms and you will go to the secondary school if you pass your Brevet exam. What is the stream you will opt for and
why? What will you do after that? Write about your future



Name : ................................ Class : .......... N: .... Mark:
Exam (4Am)

The longest we can hope to live today is about 120 years. The average life span is about 75-80 for women and 70-75 for men. But we may live longer in the future because our living conditions are getting better and better everyday. People in developing countries may possibly live for a hundred years on the average, but those in developed countries may well reach the average life span of one hundred and twenty years. Some men might live up to the age of 140 years whereas some women might well reach the age of 160 years.
Part One: (14Pt)
SECTION ONE : a- Answer the following questions: (3 pts )
1)- How long does a man live ? * ..................................
2)- May we live longer in the future? Why?
* .................................................. ...........................
3)- Who may live longer, People in developing countries or those in
developed countries? * ..............................................
c – Put the underlined words in the text in the right column : (3 pts)
time expression

c - Find n the text words that are opposite in meaning to : (1pts)
*die ‡ ............... *worse ‡ ..............
SECTION TWO : a - Fill in the gaps: (5 pts)
1-You are very ill. You ........... go to the doctor.
2-I ............. do this exercise. It’s too difficult. 3-The sky is cloudy. It ............ rain.
4-There are no clouds in the sky, but it .............. rain. It’s very cold.
5-When I was young, I could run very fast.
b- Classify these words according to the number of syllables. (2pts)
1 syllable
2 syllables
3 syllables

longest – average – everyday-
span – people –women.
Part Two: (6pts)
Life has changed. Many things have been invented: cars, mobiles, computers, satellites, . . . What will life be like in the future?
Write a short paragraph telling us what will life be like in the future
(inventions- computers, schools, space, medicine . . .)


In 1969, the USA began a series of nuclear tests on a little island near Alaska. At that time, the Alaskans did not realize that those tests were dangerous. They did not even know they were happening! A Canadian decided to do something about this. With some friends they bought a boat whichthey called “Greenpeace”. And they went to the island in their boat, just when the Americans wanted to explode an other bomb.
The Americans had to end testing bombs in Alaska, and the Greenpeace people and their organization have become famous all over the world.
Since then, Greenpeace has never stopped working: itsmembers try to stop people and governments doing things that pollute the environment.
A-Reading Comprehension: Activity 1: answer the following questions : (2pts)
1-In which paragraph is it mentioned that people in Alaska had no idea of what was happening there?
2–What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
Activity 2: Are these statements “true” or “false”?Correct the wrong statement (3pts)
1–At the beginning Greenpeace was the name of a boat.
2–Greenpeace couldn’t prevent the USA from exploding nuclear bombs in Alaska.
3-Greenpeace is still fighting pollution.
Activity 3:1-Find in the text the synonyms then the opposites...
* started = ......... * named = ....... * safe ‡ ....... * nowhere ‡ .....

Simple Past
to bring
to become
to try

B-Mastery of Language (7 pts)
Activity One: Complete the table with the
infinitive or the simple past. (2 pts)

Activity Two: Reorder the words to get coherent questions. (3 pts)
1- decide / to create / When / they / ? / organization / did / this
2- got / many / has / ? / members / Greenpeace / How
3- I / Greenpeace / ? / join / have to / to / do / What / do
Activity 3: Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final ed(2pts)
called - decided - stopped - wanted
Part Two: Written Expression Complete the dialogue: (6 pts)
A:...............................? B: The name of our association is “ Nadafa”.
A:...............................? B: We create it in order to live in a clean area.
A:...............................? B: We have 75 member at the moment.
A:...............................? B: To join us, you have to bring two photos,...

Student :.........................Second Term Test N:1 Mark:
Dear Salim,
Thank you for asking me about what I’ll do after taking the Brevet exam. Well, if I succeed, I’ll go to the secondary school. I’ll opt for the Foreign Languages stream. If I pass my Baccalaureate, I’ll go to university. I will train to become a translator. If I get my diploma, I’ll travel all around the world to see other people and make friends.
However, I know that life is full of surprises. So if I fail, I’ll go to a vocational school. I’ll train to be a computer technician. If I manage to get my diploma, I’ll open a cyber café and work on my own. Of course if I make a lot of money, I’ll build a house. I’ll get married and start a family.

Part One: (14Pt)
A- Reading Comprehension:
Activity One: Read the text and answer the following questions----( 4ts )
1) – What does Karim want to be in the future if he succeeds?
.................................................. .............................................
2) – Does he like to study languages?
.................................................. .............................................
Activity Two:
1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following: (2 pts)
*pass an exam = ............... *begin = ..............
1- Find in the text words that are pposite in meaning to the following: (2 pts)
* before ‡ ............... *succeed ‡ ..............
B-Mastery of Language : (6pts)
Activity One: Put the verbs in the right tense: (3 pts)
* If Karim (pass) ............................ his exam, he (go)...............................to university.
* I (not stop)................................. working until I (feel) ....................tired.
*I (read) ............................... a novel while my father (watch).............................. TV.
Activity Two: Reorder the following words to get coherent questions. (3 pts)
1-/go/pass/the/secondary school/I/As/my/as/soon/exams/, /I/ to /will/. /
عضو متألق
عضو متألق

عدد المساهمات : 277
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/12/2009
العمر : 33

أهم مواضيعي
أهم المواضيع أهم المواضيع: شريط وثائقي: البحث في القرآن الكريم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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